英文原版(高章)有声书--青少年冒险奇幻小说The Indian in the Cupboard魔幻柜小奇兵

Kids > Ages 8-10

The Indian in the Cupboard

Written by: Lynne Reid Banks

英文原版(高章)有声书--青少年冒险奇幻小说The Indian in the Cupboard魔幻柜小奇兵


It's Omri's birthday, but all he gets from his best friend, Patrick, is a little plastic Indian brave. Trying to hide his disappointment, Omri puts the Indian in a metal cupboard and locks the door with a mysterious skeleton key that once belonged to his great-grandmother.

Little does Omri know that by turning the key, he will transform his ordinary plastic Indian into a real live man from an altogether different time and place!

Omri and the tiny warrior called Little Bear could hardly be more different, yet soon the two forge a very special friendship. Will Omri be able to keep Little Bear without anyone finding out and taking his precious Indian from him?

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  • The Indian in the Cupboard 01 - The Indian in the Cupboard
    • The Indian in the Cupboard 01 - The Indian in the Cupboard.png
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 001.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 002 .mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 003.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 004.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 005.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 006.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 007.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 008.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 009.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 010.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 011.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 012.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 013.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 014.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 015.mp3
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Chapter - 016.mp3
  • The Indian in the Cupboard 02 - The Return of the Indian
    • The Indian in the Cupboard 02 - The Return of the Indian.jpg
    • The Return of the Indian - 001 - Chapter 1.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 002 - Chapter 2.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 003 - Chapter 3.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 004 - Chapter 4.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 005 - Chapter 5.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 006 - Chapter 6.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 007 - Chapter 7.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 008 - Chapter 8.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 009 - Chapter 9.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 010 - Chapter 10.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 011 - Chapter 11.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 012 - Chapter 12.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 013 - Chapter 13.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 014 - Chapter 14.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 015 - Chapter 15.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 016 - Chapter 16.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 017 - Chapter 17.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 018 - Chapter 18.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 019 - Chapter 19.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 020 - Chapter 20.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 021 - Chapter 21.mp3
    • The Return of the Indian - 022 - Epilogue By The Fire.mp3
  • The Indian in the Cupboard 03 - The Secret of the Indian
    • The Indian in the Cupboard 03 - The Secret of the Indian.jpg
    • The Secret of the Indian - 001 - Chapter 1.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 002 - Chapter 2.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 003 - Chapter 3.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 004 - Chapter 4.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 005 - Chapter 5.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 006 - Chapter 6.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 007 - Chapter 7.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 008 - Chapter 8.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 009 - Chapter 9.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 010 - Chapter 10.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 011 - Chapter 11.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 012 - Chapter 12.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 013 - Chapter 13.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 014 - Chapter 14.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 015 - Chapter 15.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 016 - Chapter 16.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 017 - Chapter 17.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 018 - Chapter 18.mp3
    • The Secret of the Indian - 019 - Epilogue.mp3
  • The Indian in the Cupboard 04 - The Mystery of the Cupboard
    • The Indian in the Cupboard 04 - The Mystery of the Cupboard.jpg
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 001 - Chapter 1.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 002 - Chapter 2.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 003 - Chapter 3.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 004 - Chapter 4.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 005 - Chapter 5.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 006 - Chapter 6.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 007 - Chapter 7.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 008 - Chapter 8.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 009 - Chapter 9.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 010 - Chapter 10.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 011 - Chapter 11.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 012 - Chapter 12.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 013 - Chapter 13.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 014 - Chapter 14.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 015 - Chapter 15.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 016 - Chapter 16.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 017 - Chapter 17.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 018 - Chapter 18.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 019 - Chapter 19.mp3
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard - 020 - Epilogue.mp3
  • The Indian in the Cupboard 05 - The Key to the Indian
    • The Indian in the Cupboard 05 - The Key to the Indian.jpg
    • The Key to the Indian - 001 - Chapter 1 Anyone for Camping.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 002 - Chapter 2 The Wrong Shape.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 003 - Chapter 3 A Surprising Ghost.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 004 - Chapter 4 River...Coward...Never.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 005 - Chapter 5 Mission Accepted.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 006 - Chapter 6 Little Bull's Need.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 007 - Chapter 7 A Bitter Disappointment.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 008 - Chapter 8 A Different Tribe.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 009 - Chapter 9 In the Bungalow.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 010 - Chapter 10 The Girl Who Was Gillon.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 011 - Chapter 10 - Continued.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 012 - Chapter 11 The Snake Charmer.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 013 - Chapter 12 An Iroquois Doll.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 014 - Chapter 13 The Key Turner.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 015 - Chapter 14 Patrick's U-Turn.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 016 - Chapter 15 Howl of a Wolf.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 017 - Chapter 16 Perfidious Albion.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 018 - Chapter 17 The Old Woman.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 019 - Chapter 18 Dreams.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 020 - Chapter 19 Drums and Fire.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 021 - Chapter 20 Murder.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 022 - Chapter 21 Clan Mother's Courage.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 023 - Chapter 22 A Sacred Object.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 024 - Chapter 23 Patrick's Bit of Fun.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 025 - Chapter 24 Visitors.mp3
    • The Key to the Indian - 026 - Epilogue.mp3
  • 文本1-5
    • Key to the Indian (Lynne Reid Banks).pdf
    • Return of the Indian (Lynne Reid Banks).pdf
    • Secret of the Indian (Lynne Reid Banks).pdf
    • The Indian in the Cupboard (Essential Modern Classics) (Banks, Lynne Reid).pdf
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Complete Collection.pdf
    • The Indian in the Cupboard Series (Lynne Reid Banks).pdf
    • The Mystery of the Cupboard (Lynne Reid Banks).pdf


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