

公式 301


● The house in which I used to live has becomea garden.我过去住的房子已经变成了一个花园。


公式 302



● Between the two parts of the concert is aninterval, when the audience can buy ice-cream.音乐会的两部分中间有间歇,这时候,观众可以去买冰激凌。


公式 303


● He made a long speech, as we expected.正如我们所预料的一样,他的演讲很长。


公式 304



● Mary made coffee while her guests werefinishing their meal.客人们快吃完饭的时候,玛丽煮了咖啡。


公式 305

时间状语从句:主句+as soonas/directly/immediately等引导的时间状语从句


● I recognized her immediately I saw her.我一见到她,就认出了她。


公式 306


● I went to bed after I finished my homework.做完作业后,我就上床睡觉了。


公式 307


● Mary has been in Shanghai since she left Beijing.玛丽自从离开北京后就一直在上海。


公式 308


● I will stay here until you come back.我会一直待在这里直到你回来。


公式 309


● As all the seats were full, he had to standup.由于所有的位子都满了,他只好站着。

because, since, as的区别


公式 310


● You cango wherever you like these days.这些天你可以去你想去的地方。

公式 311


● To show our respect, we usually have to takeour gloves off whoever we are to shake hands with.为了表示我们的尊重,不论要跟谁握手,我们通常都要摘掉手套。


公式 312

引导让步状语从句时,疑问词-ever可与“no matter+疑问词”互换。

● Wherever/No matter where you go, I will bewith you.无论你去哪儿,我都和你一起。


公式 313

让步状语从句:主句+(al)though/as/while/eventhough/even if引导的让步状语从句

● Tim is in good shape physically even thoughhe doesn’t get much exercise.即使不做太多锻炼,蒂姆还是保持了很好的体形。


公式 314

条件状语从句:主句+if/unless/aslong as引导的条件状语从句

● Let’s go out for awalk unless you are too tired.如果你不是太累的话,我们出去散一会步吧。


公式 315


● He worked so hard that he got ill.他工作那么努力,结果病倒了。


公式 316

目的状语从句:主句+so that/inorder that/in case引导的目的状语从句

● I’ll run slowly so that you can catch up withme.为了能让你赶上我,我会慢慢跑。


公式 317


● The weather was worse than I had expected.天气比我预料的还要糟。


公式 318


● French is as familiar to him as English.他对法语就像对英语一样熟悉。


公式 319


as if/as though引导的方式状语从句

● You ought to do as Paul tells you.你应该按照保罗吩咐你的去做。


公式 320

当as if引导的方式状语从句表示与事实相反的情况时,从句常用虚拟语气。

● She closed her eyes as though she was verytired.她闭上了眼睛,好像是很累了。

公式 321


If...did/were..., 主语+would/should/could/mightdo...表示与现在事实相反的假设。


● If you were the manager, we would not be sotired.如果你是经理,我们就不会这么累了。


公式 322

If...had done...,主语+would/should/could/mighthave done...表示与过去事实相反的假设。


● If we had taken the other road, we might havearrived here in time for the meeting.如果我们走了另一条路的话,或许就能及时赶到这里开会了。(陕西)


公式 323

If...did/were todo/should do...,主语+would/should/could/might do...表示与将来事实相反的假设。


● If it were fine tomorrow, I would goshopping.如果明天天气好,我就去购物。


公式 324

If...had done..., 主语+would do...

● If he had set out earlier, he would be homenow.如果他早点出发的话,他现在就已经到家了。


公式 325

If...should do..., 主语+would have done...

● If she shouldleave, I would have heard about it.如果她要走,我早就应该听说了。


公式 326


主句if引导的虚拟条件句的谓语动词中含有should, were, had时,可将if省略,而将should, were, had提前,构成倒装。、

● Were Iyou(=If I were you), I would go.如果我是你,我就去。


公式 327


句子的虚拟条件是通过词或短语如with, without, otherwise, but for等来表示的。

● Without the greenhouse effect, the earthwould be about thirtythree degrees Celsius cooler than it is.如果没有温室效应,地球的温度将比现在的温度低大约33摄氏度。


公式 328

主句+as if+(从句)主语+did/had done...as if引导的从句


● She acted as if she had been the hostessyesterday.她昨天表现得就好像她是女主人似的。


公式 329

主句+so that+(从句)主语+should/could/might do...

so that意为“为了”,它引导的从句表示目的。

● He took a taxi to the station so that heshould not miss the train.为了不错过火车,他乘出租车去火车站。


公式 330

主句+lest+从句主语+(should) do...


● They spoke in whispers lest they (should) be heard.他们低声说话,唯恐被别人听见。


公式 331

...wish (that)+主语+did/had done/would do...


● I wish it were autumn in Beijing all the year around.我希望北京全年都是秋天。


公式 332


● I suggest that we (should) set off at once.我建议我们立刻出发。


公式 333

...would rather+主语+did/had done...

would rather后的从句用一般过去时表示与现在或将来事实相反,用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反。

● I would rather you hadn’t told him.我宁愿你没有告诉他。


公式 334

It is+形容词/名词/过去分词+that+主语+(should)do...

● It is strange that the girl (should) be sorude.那个女孩那么无礼,这真奇怪。


公式 335



● My suggestion is that we (should) get startedsoon.我的建议是我们应该尽快出发。


公式 336

It is (high/about)time that+主语+did/should do...

● It is high time that you went to school.早就到了你该去上学的时间了。


公式 337

if only+主语+did/had done...


● If only I had another chance.要是我再有一次机会就好了。


公式 338


● Still water runs deep.静水流深。


公式 339


● Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes.做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。


公式 340



● A thousand miles is a very long distance.1,000英里是一段很长的距离。

公式 341

more than one/many a(n)+单数名词+单数谓语

a(n)+单数名词+and a half+单数谓语意为“不止一个……/许多……”;“一个半……”。

● More than one person here is going to find a new job.这里不止一个人准备找新工作。


公式 342

the number of+复数名词+单数谓语

● As you can see, the number of cars on ourroads keeps rising these days.正如你看到的那样,如今公路上汽车的数量一直在增长。(全国Ⅱ)


公式 343

a number of+复数名词+复数谓语

● A number of willbe graduatesare voluntarily going to work in the West of China.许多即将毕业的大学生打算自愿到中国西部工作。


公式 344

each/every...(and each/every...)+单数谓语

● Every person in my family has been given agift.我们家每个人都得到了一份礼物。


公式 345

some-, any-, every-,no-构成的复合不定代词+单数谓语

● If anyone knows the truth of the accident,please tell the police.如果有人知道事故的真相,请告诉警察。


公式 346


两个并列的名词 表示一个人或一种事物,此时第一个名词前用冠词,第二个名词前不用冠词。

● A knife and fork is on the table.餐桌上有一副刀叉。


公式 347

news/physics/maths/politics/theUnited States/James等+单数谓语


● The news concerns your younger brother.这消息与你弟弟有关。


公式 348

one of+复数名词+单数谓语

● One of my goodfriends has been abroad for eleven years.我的一个好朋友已经在国外待了11年了。


公式 349


● All the students in our class arehardworking.我们班所有的学生学习都很用功。


公式 350



● My blue trousers have worn out.我的蓝裤子已经穿破了。

如果这类名词前用pair of等单位名词修饰,谓语动词的数要与单位名词的数保持一致。

公式 351


people, police,cattle是只表示复数意义的集体名词,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。

● Many people were present at the meeting.许多人出席了会议。


公式 352

... and.../both...and...+复数谓


● New York and Boston are American cities.纽约和波士顿都是美国的城市。


公式 353

主语+with/togetherwith/except/but/like/as well as...+谓语

● The mother along with her two children goes to the park everyweekend.那位母亲和她的两个孩子每个周末都要去公园。


公式 354


● The class is the best one in the grade.这个班是年级中最好的。

● The whole class are listening to the teachercarefully.全班同学都在认真地听老师讲课。




公式 355


● Some of the money was spent on clothes.一些钱花在了衣服上。


公式 356


● All of the people have gone.所有的人都走了。


公式 357

one of+复数名词+关系代词+复数谓语

● Zhang Ning is one of the students who werepraised at the meeting.张宁是会议上受表扬的学生之一。


公式 358

only one of+复数名词+关系代词+单数谓语

● He is the only one of players in our schoolwho has taken the first prize.他是我们学校唯一一位获得一等奖的选手。


公式 359

...or.../either...or.../neither...nor.../notonly...but (also)...+谓语动词


● No food or water is allowed to be taken with.不准带食物和水。


公式 360

There be...


● There are four chairs and two tables in theroom.房间里有四把椅子和两张桌子。

公式 361

There be肯定句式:There (+助动词/情态动词)+be+主语...


● There is a lot of meat on the plate.盘子里有很多肉。

● There will be more serious air pollution ifpeople use more and more cars.如果人们越来越多地使用汽车,那么空气污染将会更加严重。


公式 362

There be否定句式:


● There isn’t a telephone in the room.房间里没有电话。


公式 363

There be否定句式:


● There will not be any football match thisweekend.这个周末没有任何足球比赛。


公式 364

There be的一般疑问句式:Be动词+there

● —Are there anymagazines on the shelf?书架上有杂志吗?


公式 365

There be的一般疑问句式:助动词/情态动词+there+be(+any)+主语...?

● Has there been an accident?出过事故吗?


公式 366

There be的特殊疑问句式:特殊疑问词(+名词)+be动词+there...?

● How many people are there in your family?你家有几口人?


公式 367

There be的特殊疑问句式:特殊疑问词(+名词)+助动词/情态动词+there+be...?

● What did there use to be?那里过去有什么?


公式 368


There be句式中的be动词可用动词stand,lie, live等替换。

● There stands a temple on the top of themountain.山顶上有一座庙。


公式 369

There seems(seemed)/appears(appeared)to be+主语...

● There seems to be a lack of communication.看起来是缺乏沟通。


公式 370



● It was Jack and Mary that/who met with afunnylooking man yesterday.昨天是杰克和玛丽遇见了一个样子滑稽可笑的男人。


公式 371

强调句的一般疑问句式:Is/Was it...that/who...?

● Is it your brother who works in that company?是你哥哥在那家公司工作吗?


公式 372

强调句的特殊疑问句式:特殊疑问词+is/wasit that...?

● Why was it that he cried yesterday?他昨天究竟为什么哭?


公式 373



● We laugh at jokes, but seldom do we thinkabout how they work.我们听到笑话会笑,但是从来没想过笑话是怎样让我们发笑的。


公式 374


在so... that...句式中,so...部分置于句首时,主句用部分倒装。

● So fast does light travel that we can hardlyimagine its speed.光速很快,我们几乎没法想象它的速度。


公式 375



● Only if you eat the correct foods will you beable to keep fit and stay healthy.只有合理膳食才会保持身体健康。


公式 376

倒装:Not until...+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语...

时间状语not until...置于句首时,句子/主句用部分倒装。

● Not until he left his home did he begin to know how important the familywas for him.直到离开家他才开始明白家庭对于他是多么重要。


公式 377

倒装:Not only...+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语...but also...

not only...置于句首时,其所在的分句用部分倒装。

● Not only does he do well in his lessons, buthe often helps others with their lessons.他不但自己学习好,还经常帮助别人学习。


公式 378

倒装:Hardly had+主语...+when...

No sooner had+主语...+than....hardly,no sooner 置于句首时,hardly, no sooner所在的句子用部分倒装。

● Hardly had he uttered the words when shebegan laughing. 他刚一开口说话,她就笑了。


公式 379



● Jane comes from Canada. So does Mary.简来自加拿大,玛丽也是。


公式 380

倒装:up/down/away/infront of...+谓语动词+主语

● Up wentthe rocket.火箭升上了天。

公式 381


● Seated in the front were the guests.坐在前排的是客人。


公式 382


● Here comes the bus!公共汽车来了!


公式 383

省略:I’dlike/love/be glad/be happy to

● —Would you like tojoin me for a quick lunch before class?你愿意课前与我一起吃顿简单的午饭吗?

—I’d like to, but Ipromised Nancy to go out with her.我愿意,可是我已经答应跟南希一起出去了。


公式 384


● The flowers his friend gave him will dieunless watered every day.除非天天浇水,否则朋友送他的花就会死掉。


公式 385


● Please come as soon as possible you can.请尽量早来。


公式 386


● —Have you got anyparticular plans for the coming holiday?对即将来临的假期你有特别的计划了吗?

—Yes, if possible, I’mgoing to visit some homes for the old in the city.是的,如果可能的话,我将去这个城市的几处老年之家看看。


公式 387

Why (not) do...?why (not)后一般跟动词原形,很少出现主语或动作的执行者,含有较强的建议意味。

● Why not go and ask the teacher for help?为什么不去找老师帮忙?

● Why not relax and enjoy the fresh air?为什么不休息一下,呼吸点新鲜空气呢?


公式 388



● John spoke German as fluently as Mary didwhen they studied in middle school.中学时,约翰的德语说得跟玛丽一样流利。


公式 389



● The teacher asked him to hand in hiscomposition at once and he did so.老师让他立刻交上作文,他就这么做了。


公式 390


● —Do you know whobroke the window?你知道是谁打破的窗户吗?

—I heard John did that.我听说是约翰做的。

公式 391


直接引语为陈述句时,间接引语应为that引导的宾语从句,引述动词主要有say,tell, repeat, explain, think等。

● He said to me, “I have left my bookin your room.”→He told me that he had left his book in my room.他告诉我他把书落在我的房间里了。


公式 392



● “Do you like Beckham?” she said tome.→She asked me if/whether I liked Beckham.她问我是否喜欢贝克汉姆。


公式 393


直接引语为选择疑问句时,间接引语应为whether... or...引导的宾语从句,倒装语序变为陈述语序。

● I asked him, “Will you stay athome or go to school?”→I asked him whether he would stay at home or go to school.我问他是待在家里还是去上学。


公式 394



● He asked, “Where do you live?”→He asked mewhere I lived.他问我住在哪里。


公式 395

...ask/tell/beg等+宾语+to do


● The teacher said to the students, “Be quiet,please.”→The teacher asked the students to be quiet.老师要求学生们保持安静。


公式 396


直接引语为感叹句时,间接引语应为how, what, that等引导的宾语从句。

● She said, “What a lovely day itis!”→She said what a lovely day it was./She said that it was a lovelyday.她说天气很好。


公式 397


● She said, “I saw him lastnight.”→She said she had seen him the night before.她说她前一天晚上看见过他。


公式 398


● He said to Kate, “How is yoursister now?”→He asked Kate how her sister was then.他问凯特她妹妹那时怎么样了。


公式 399


● Mr Smith said, “Jack is a goodworkmate.”→Mr Smith said that Jack was a good workmate.史密斯先生说杰克是个不错的同事。


公式 400

主语+did+that+主语+did/had done...


● “I never get up before 8 a.m. on Sundays,” he said.→He said that he never got up before 8 a.m. onSundays.他说他星期天上午从未在8点之前起床。


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